Monday, June 26, 2006

Stephen Harper: All-AmeriKan Boy

Stephen Harper's Neo-Conservatism

Arming the Heavens

Oil May Grease Quebec Separatism

have a nice day!

Arnie, long time no see. How are ya? ANyhow, this comment is directed to the idea that Harper's conservatism is greasing or might be greasing the seperatist idea; actually it's quite the contrary and his neoconservative idealogy suits the new liberal quebec of charest and company just fine. the seperatist movement in quebec has, if you think of recent history, always been at its strongest when liberals were governing in Ottawa. So it goes, and it's all bull and shite anyhow. One form of political piracy greets and embraces another. The gst which goes down inthe rest of Canada effective in a few hours, will simply go up in Quebec by way of raising the sales tax in other areas. What can you do but sit down and weep, and hope for the best with a bunch of these types ruining and "running" the ship. We need Native prime ministers and about 18 countries and then there might be progress. Break it all down, the whole world, smaller, tinier and more lovable. Be well.
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