Saturday, November 06, 2004

Resist, resist, resist and resist. And don't forget to play.

Ten Years Into The Rebellion updating the Zapatista movement in Chiapas.

Students Taking Action In Chiapas

Canadian Media On Haiti

Cuban Doctors Continue Saving Lives In Haiti which came from

Colombia: Women's Bodies Used As A Battleground

And how could I not include a link to Amnesty International

That's enough for today. I've had a breakfast meeting with my bosses and my co-workers, I've been rained on, I've drank organic coffee at J.J. Beans and I've skimmed the Globe&Mail. Now I must mail an American flag to my old friend Barbara. It's her birthday in a few days. I've cautioned her to keep it away from open flames as it is extremely flammable. I hope she enjoys the music I've included with her package. And I must also send another letter to my M.P. Later I may play my bass and I have to get my mandolin fixed. Where does the time go?

have a nice day!

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