Saturday, September 11, 2004


beacon from the east where last night I saw Venus
clouds obscure part of your offering.
rain falls where I am standing
with no defence no umbrella no body-wrapping
condom or condominium to ward off the sky,
where messages await me from the future.

I have seen the scorched plains of Canada,
the ravaged land weeps in my eyes.
I have seen the diminished perimeter of continents,
as seas rise and bodycounts fall.
I have heard the shrieking of mothers, as storms, mudslides and floods
collect the young and old.

I smell the sea, she surrounds me, taunted by land,
she rises to engulf me.
My phantom-body tingles at the memory of a future
crushed by freezing torrential ice-balls.

now the message I must speak comes to me clearly,
unwrapped from cloud, unencumbered by darkness,
these words I must speak to you all:

you have no recourse, there is no fallback scheme,
alarms have been raised and disregarded as fairytale meanderings,
so, unaware, unprotected, you go forward into what i have seen.

some of you will say that nothing matters, that in the end we all die,
that the only future written that will pass is certain death.

post-apocalypse is where I stand in the present.
post-apocalypse surrounds me.
post-apocalypse denial is your sentence.
visions of a ravaged land have no currency,
no commodity market,
no one taking bets on the outcome of our civilization.

beacon from the east where last night I saw Venus
be strong, burn away sensation, burn away our fear,
burn away the visions of the future, burn away our tears.

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